The one man band: Jwalttz

Jwalttz is deeply entrenched in music, with experiences ranging from touring with artists like Joe P to serving as a videographer/photographer for local acts. He seamlessly showcases his artistry in multiple mediums, particularly through his chill and wholesome yet witty and wordy music. His immersion in music extends beyond performance, embodying a 24/7 dedication to his craft. This multidimensional approach not only demonstrates his success but also highlights his versatility as a musician and artist. Jwalttz's work exemplifies a fusion of creativity and dedication that resonates with audiences seeking authentic and engaging musical experiences.

JWalttz Favorites

Favorite Beverage: Coffee

Favorite Season: Fall

Favorite Movie: Forrest Gump

Favorite Color: Green 

Favorite Memory: Meeting Japanese house 

Favorite show you’re attended: Mac Demarco 


Q: What made you want to add Circles to the compilation album?

A: It’s the happiest I’ve been with any music I’ve put out, so figured it was a good one. 

Q: As someone who spent and spends a lot of time in bands, what made you want to go solo when writing and recording your music?

A: Never wrote in any other band, and I think I just prefer to have full control over my solo music. I like the feeling of being able to do whatever I want and go in any direction with the project with no judgment.

Q: What are some artists/bands that have inspired you to write music? 

A: Max Demarco, Gus Dapperton, Steve lacy, and the whole bedroom pop genre. Just was very influential to see that you could do it yourself and even in your own room without having to spend loads of money in a studio. 

Q: When did you first start writing your own music? 

A: Back in high school, so maybe 6-7 years ago.

Q: What does the future for Jwalttz look like?

A: No clue , and like not knowing. Got some music and collaborations I’m sitting on, so probably push the songs out and make some cool music videos. 

Support Jwalttz here


local summer compilation album


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